After the ecological campaign during which volunteers collected 120 cubic meters of waste in the canyon of the River Bijela last October, on Saturday 29th April work action will be organized at that place with the addition of an early May Day celebration.
The Lončari Association, in cooperation with the Section of the Paklenica and the Sports and Climbing Club of Paklenica, this time invites all nature lovers to replace sacks, shovels and “barrows” with scissors and saws in order to clean and revive the old road used by the villagers of Lončari for water supply at the source of the River Bijela.
In addition to the work action, the organizers also prepared the presentation of the art installation “See Glass Again” by artist Dodd Holsapple from Santa Monica (CA) USA, which won the competition “On Accepting the Undesirable”.
Holsapple, who will be in Lončari in October this year to realize his installation, will connect with the audience via video link, and Jagoda Cupać (Kamene Babe, Dresden), Davorka Perić (Vizura Aperta, Zagreb), Juraj Aras will talk about the winning work,(Teatro Verrdi Zadar), Zoran Pantelić, (, Novi Sad) and Marko Simić (NGO Lončari, Karin Gornji).
The gathering of the markers and volunteers is scheduled at 9:00 a.m. in the village of Lončari at the beginning of the neglected trail that locals used to descend into the canyon to collect water, and lunch for all participants will be ready at 1:00 p.m.
Following an afternoon filled with sports and recreational activities in the canyon of the River Bijela, a presentation of Dodd Holsapple’s artwork will be held at OPG Pueblo Escondido at 7 p.m. In addition to dinner, which will be served at 8 p.m., those present will also be able to enjoy the offer of local producers from the craft market.
The music program starts at 10 p.m. with the performance of the group Antenat, and continues until the morning with the Selektor duo Flico & Kiwi and DJ After Nevena.
The donation for the program is 5 euros.
The event is part of the project „#itIsNotTooLate – Seagrass beds: Zostera marina, Zostera noltei and Cymodocea nodosa, their significance for fish life and the overall ecosystem of the three seas area“.
The project was approved through the Three Seas FLAG competition under Measure 2.1. Support for the evaluation, protection and promotion of the natural resource base – rivers, seas and coasts” in order to implement activities removal of waste/pollution located in the watershed, mapping the state of seagrass surfaces and making people aware of their footprint on natural resources with the aim of valorizing and protecting seagrass as a source of marine life and with the aim of raising the quality of life of the fish stock.