Invitation to the traditional environmental action called "Where River Zrmanja touches the sea 2022", which is organized this year as part of the project #itIsNotTooLate on the waterfront in Maslenica, on Saturday 25th June 2022. starting at 9:00 a.m
The area of the Novigrad and Karin seas represents a special and unique ecosystem that has enormous ecological and economic potential. In order to promote and raise awareness of the sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the Novigrad and Karin Seas as well as the River Zrmanja, as part of the project “It is not too late – seagrass beds Zostera Marina, Zostera Noltei, Cymodocea Nodos, their significance for fish life and overall ecosystem of the area of three seas”, we carry out impactful and effective campaigns to raise public awareness of the potential and uniqueness of the area.
One of the campaigns is an action to clean the seabeds and the coast of the Novigrad Sea and the River Zrmanja under the name “Where River Zrmanja touches the sea 2022”, in order to unite associations, citizens and local authorities in cleaning and protecting the River Zrmanja and the Novigrad Sea as an important natural resource such as promoted the sustainable development of that area.
The action will begin on Saturday, June 25th 2022. on the waterfront in Maslenica where divers and volunteers will be stationed along the coast of the Novigrad Sea and the mouth of the River Zrmanja. The collected and separated glass waste will be used as a resource for an international public call for artists and art collectives “ON ACCEPTING THE UNDESIRABLE”
In order to get closer and meeting in the common goal and sustainable development of mentioned area, all citizens, associations, representatives of the local government, volunteers and friends will gathering during the evening , after cleaning campaign.
In amount of 189.220,49 HRK obtained through competition the FLAG Three Seas for the selection of the project Measures 2.1. support for the valuation, protection and promotion of the natural resource base – rivers, seas and coasts within the implementation of the Local Development Strategy in fisheries FLAG Three Seas for the period 2014-2020.
Project Holder is Association for nature, environment, sustainable development and tourism Lončari, while the partners are The Zrmanja Ecological Association and the Marine Explorers Society 20.000 leagues.
We are looking forward to your arrival!